Keeping Busy


So I’ve been trying to keep busy. It helps when I have stuff to do for the kids and places to take them.

Emma’s Destination Imagination team is gearing up for another competition on Saturday. Last year they came in first in their challenge category and went on to the state competition. This whole week has been getting together with her team and working on their presentation. It’s been a really welcome distraction. We have had dinner twice already this week with our friends, the Wenzels. It’s been nice to have their company for dinner. So Saturday will be a really busy day and I look forward to it and to watching all the kids interpret their challenges differently. If you have never heard of Destination Imagination (D.I.) you should look it up. It’s basically kids working together to express their solutions for different scenarios and we adults really can not help or offer any input. Emma’s team, the Potato Chics (pronounced chicks), have been together for quite a few years and really work well together.

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  1. Melanie McNeil

    Good luck to Emma with her contest. It’s nice to win, but of course they learn so much about defining problems and creatively developing solutions, they win no matter what. Granddaughter Georgia used to be with that group, I think.

    On not waiting — we had a relative pass away early in February. He had no will and his assets were titled in his name only, not with his wife. And he has children from a previous marriage, so it’s well more complicated than it needed to be. Given that and the nudging knowledge we needed to anyway, husband and I met with the lawyer yesterday to review our wills and update our POAs. The wills were fine, so there wasn’t much to do. But we’re both relieved to have spent the whole hour (and some bucks) it took to do it. Thanks for the reminders to take care of things now, not wait.

  2. Angela

    I hope Emma’s team kicks butt! Ahh, the fond memories of painting on the carpets and popcorn on the floors in my dining room 🙂 Doggit & friends forever! Good luck to the Potato Chics (I still think this is an awesome name)!

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